A healthy lifestyle · Ministry of Health sponsored by the Central Civilization Office, the same line health community speaking tour essence. Bentaoshu awarded the 2005 "National Science and Technology Progress Award." Health rely on themselves to fight; not a substitute for daily exercise. The human body needs cholesterol; sleep well, the spirit of good, body good. Healthy sexual behavior can reduce cervical cancer.
Bentaoshu a healthy lifestyle themed, including a reasonable diet, regular exercise, mental balance, prevention and treatment of common diseases and other people concerned about the topic and the necessary knowledge. Bentaoshu incisive language, aftertaste; popular words, people never forget. Bentaoshu authoritative financial, scientific, informative, interesting and practical as a whole, can be called masterpiece of public health education, medical science books boutique.About the AuthoreditYang Binghui, M, August 15, 1938 Health, experts. Clinical medical profession, in 1962, graduated from Shanghai First Medical College (now Shanghai Medical University) Department of Medicine, October 1993 approved as a doctoral tutor. Zhongshan Hospital of Shanghai Medical University for 20 years. Professor in the doctoral tutor. Chinese Medical Association, vice chairman of the whole Society, Chinese Medical Association Institute of Liver Diseases Scientific Committee, Chinese Anti-Cancer Association, the Shanghai Cancer Society executive director.On Yang Binghui Photo by Yang Binghui photo Over the years engaged in clinical research of liver cancer. Has presided over the technological issues, the program is responsible for the preparation of technical screening of liver cancer, liver cancer is one of the main pioneers of the screening. " the subject, "National Science and Technology Progress Award" by the "Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award" second prize and many other awards. Over the past decade actively promote the development of general medicine in our country, and enthusiastic medical science and health education, health promotion. Editor of "Hepatobiliary Oncology", treatment contradiction" and "scientific progress in the "Family Health Encyclopedia," "conquer cancer." and other popular science books including more than 50, has published more than 50 articles, hundreds of popular science 1999, 2002 and twice was named the National Advanced Science and science workers.
A healthy lifestyle from the health1. Health is a comprehensive basis of human development2. What is a healthy3. Health come from4. Health rely on themselves to fight5. China's disease spectrum is developed in line with the6. Many diseases are preventable7. Eat most problems8. Eating too much fat leads to atherosclerosis9. Coronary heart disease is such a thing10. Not surprisingly, "cerebrovascular accident"11. A high-fat diet with some cancers12. Residents of fat intake seriously overweight13. Eating too much salt hypertension came to the door14. The salt also Shang Wei15. A high-protein diet a bit inadequate16. Milk is a high-protein food17. Let me say milk calcium18. Human Cholesterol is also required19. should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits20. Cellulose is known as the seventh nutrients21. The need to control appetite22. To reform the traditional cooking methods23. The system should promote eating24. Smoking Story25. The Chinese people have long recognized the dangers of smoking26. Smoking causes cancer is the culprit27. Smoking causes cardiovascular disease28. A large number of respiratory diseases related to smoking29. other health problems caused by smoking30. Passive smoking more harmful than active smoking31. To Smoking or health - will be one choice32. whether to quit out of balance33. Drinking more harm than good, highly desirable limit34. tea useful, but not too strong35. affluence created a fat36. How much weight regarded as standard37. The health problems caused by obesity38. Motion function so that the body be fully exploited39. The exercise can also prevent and cure40. The daily work is not a substitute motion41. vary according to local conditions42. The gradual, perseverance43. The World Health Organization's slogan: Move for Health44. sleep good, energetic, like body45. Personal hygiene is a symbol of modern life46. The modern leisure life should be healthy47. should establish the scientific concept of disease48. psychological balance, mental health49. People should be harmonious society50. The cornerstone of health, increased longevity DecadeSecond, a healthy lifestyle can prevent cancer1. The severity of the cancer problem2. Our situation is grim cancer3. What is the difference between cancer and tumors4. The two concepts of cancer prevention5. Healthy Lifestyle - primary prevention of cancer6. Early detection - secondary prevention of cancer7. Early discovery brings hope to cure cancer8. less fat, easy to cure, control cancer of the Road9. tobacco control can prevent lung cancer10. Because of alcohol in favor of anti-liver cancer11. do not eat fresh food, decrease the incidence of esophageal cancer12. Increase protein diet, decreased incidence of gastric cancer13. excessive intake of fat, increase the incidence of colorectal cancer14. A high-fat diet and breast cancer is also related15. A healthy sexual behavior can reduce cervical cancerThird, a healthy lifestyle can "liver"1. The liver, the body's chemical plant2. The liver can be said to be the backbone of the digestive system3. liver than just a digestive organ4. common two types of hepatitis5. Hepatitis can be prevented6. alcoholic liver injury, brain damage7. fatty liver toxicity8. bacteria and parasites liver injury9. A careful medication is "liver"10. A healthy lifestyle is the basis for the protection of the liver
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