See The Grape for Red Wine and White Wine

Grapes is a general term for Vitis (Vitis) plants, or say the fruit. The American species of grape varieties (Vitis labrusca) · European species (Vitis vinifera) · There are hybrids. Southern Europe is based, depending on the species propagation, Central Asian, East Asian, etc. were differentiated by type of cultivation system, today a total of 15 million were made over this breed.

Grape fruit is a fruit that can be eaten in the raw state, but it is also used to make wine, juice, jelly and so on. Also used to make raisins. In addition to the commonly seen purple grapes red, purple, white, green, such as paper of various colors.

Grape VarietiesEdible

Early Campbell (Campbell Early)The most common species of grapes that are distributed in the country. Bark is very sweet ttimyeo a very dark brown.



Wild Grape vine (MBA)The unusually large bunches know a lot of this depends on sugar content and has a very high features.For red wine

Cabernet Sauvignon (Cabernet Sauvignon)

French Bordeaux, Bordeaux surrounding the South-West, Loire, Languedoc-Roussillon, and sometimes grown used to create the super-Tuscan wines from Tuscany style. (Speaking of wine from the New World countries usually refers to countries such as the United States, Chile, Argentina, Australia, South Africa) and other New World countries are also growing. The grapes have four characteristics, small grape, deep reddish-brown, thick rind, many seeds this is it. The seeds are rich in tannin content, and thick bark to show you the color depth. Young wine will be smoother when the astringent taste through the oak maturation only strong rough flavor. Full-bodied taste and has a black currant, cherry, plum and got a flavor reminiscent of dark chocolate is such a profound and elegant steak meat well matched to the food.

See The Grape for Red Wine and White Wine See The Grape for Red Wine and White Wine Reviewed by Unknown on 06:00 Rating: 5

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