Checkout this Paw Paw Fruit (Papaya)

Papaya (Carica papaya L.), also known as papaya, melon milk, longevity fruit, tropical and subtropical evergreen perennial herb large soft wood, soft wood small evergreen tree, up to 8-10 meters, with milk; stems irrespective branches or sometimes in INJURED branches, with spirally arranged stipular marks. Fruit trees longer, looks like a melon, hence the name of the papaya. Papaya milk is produced loose meat of the main ingredients. Fruit of the year. September 1, 2010, China issued papaya genetically modified organisms safety certificate, the official introduction of commercial cultivation of genetically modified papaya. Rich in nutritional value. Papaya when introduced to China, there are two versions. Some people think, "Lingnan do Diary" describes a papaya, the book a book in the 17th century, it shows that China has at least 300 years cultivated papaya history. Some people think that the Song Wang Dang, "Tang Yu Lin 'talked papaya, and this book is based on an old Chinese novel written material. Accordingly, papaya was introduced to China, the latest should be at the beginning of the 12th century, the earliest possible push to the Tang Dynasty.

Papaya - plant morphology

Leaves large, poly born top of the stem, near the shield, up to 60 cm in diameter, usually 5-9 deeply lobed, each lobe longer pinnatifid; petiole hollow, up to 60-100 cm. Flowers unisexual or bisexual, some species occasionally in the male plants produce bisexual flowers or female flowers, and fruit form, also when a small number of male on female plants. Plants have male plants, female plants and gender lines. Male flowers: arranged in panicles, up to one meter, drooping; flowers sessile; sepals commissure base; corolla cream, crown tube thin tube, 1.6-2.5 cm long, corolla lobes 5, lanceolate, about 1.8 cm , width 4.5 mm; stamens 5 10,5 long short, short of almost no filaments, filaments long white hair is white; ovary degradation. Female flowers: solitary or arranged by a few flowers corymb, the raw leaf axils, with short stems or nearly sessile, sepals 5, about 1 cm, connate below middle; corolla lobes 5, separation, cream or yellow-white , oblong or lanceolate, 5-6.2 cm long, 1.2-2 cm wide; ovary superior, ovoid, sessile, style 5, the number of crack stigma nearly fimbriate.Bisexual flowers: stamens 5, was born near ovary base on a very short corolla tube, or 10 was born on a long corolla tube, arranged in two, crown tube 1.9-2.5 cm long, corolla lobes oblong, about 2.8 cm wide and 9 mm, smaller than the female plant ovary ovary.Fleshy berries, orange or yellow when ripe, long spherical, long obovate spherical, pear-shaped or nearly spherical, 10-30 cm long or longer, flesh soft and juicy, sweet flavor; seeds many, ovoid, mature When black, testa fleshy, seed coat woody, with wrinkles. Fruit of the year.

Papaya - biological properties
1, roots and its characteristics: the main papaya seed seedling breeding, the development made by the radicle root taproot thick, strong lateral roots, fibrous roots. Results taproot of trees and rough 3-4 cm several lateral roots constitute the skeleton of the plant plays the role of fixing and storage of nutrients; the main root, lateral dense fibrous roots, fibrous roots of the hair root, plays absorb moisture and the role of nutrients. With root growth, partly fibrous develop into a lateral, partly fibrous recession dead, root constant turnover.
Papaya roots mainly in the 10-30 cm topsoil; March when the average temperature reaches 17 ℃, the beginning of a new root growth (Start fertilizer to promote long), May-June when the soil temperature above 30 ℃ most vigorous roots , July-August topsoil temperature exceeds 40 ℃ unfavorable for root growth (Qimian should covers over cooling), after December, root growth is slow, pause (unnecessary re-fertilization). Another feature of papaya roots are fleshy and good gas, and therefore need more water and good soil aeration, but flooding poor ventilation that is dead.
2, stem and its characteristics: the case of hollow stems, thick, lateral bud have sprouted capacity. Papaya buds lateral buds grow normally suppressed when the terminal bud or buds froze or cut the upper part of the plant, easy pumping raw collateral.
Papaya plants stocky, favor early results, wind and field management. Therefore, oblique plant help to curb plant grow taller, thicker trunk, early results; being folded or large wind age, the higher the trunk, can be cut at 1 meter from the ground stems, promote lateral buds sprouted into a new stems and fruit. The same species in the same environmental conditions and cultivation conditions, single-sex plants grow faster, slower growth gender lines.
3, leaves its characteristics: papaya extract from the seeds germinated cotyledons oval, the first and second true leaf triangle, from the fourth, fifth leaves start was three palmatipartite, ninth, ten Leaves appear five out palmatipartite, Mature plants large leaves, 5-7 palmatipartite, dark green leaves or green, petiole long and hollow, petiole green or purple, is a basis for species identification.
Papaya whorled, at lower temperatures and slower growth pumping raw, high temperatures, adequate water and nutrients, the occurrence of new leaves and more, and grow fast. Usually annual sprouted new leaves about 60, fertilizer and water conditions better than 90 can be sprouted. Leaves from the extraction to mature in just 20 days in summer, winter, you need more than 30 days, the blade life is generally only four months. Extend the function of leaves and increase photosynthetic capacity, is the key to high yield, an average of every fruit shall have a sleep over leaf nutrient supply, so pay attention to protecting the blade, round-shaped crown culture, increase the leaf area index. But the recession yellow leaves and wind flaps to be cleared as soon as possible, in order to make pastoral clean, airy, improve fruit quality and marketability.
4, flower and features: When the papaya plant growth reaches a certain number of (early varieties 24-26 leaf) blade, to a certain leaf area, there are certain nutrients accumulation of material, you can have differentiation, flowering, flower buds may Anniversary differentiation, but at lower temperatures without adverse results flowering. In the case of high temperature and drought prone and intermittently result tends male tendency.
Papaya flowers into female, male and hermaphrodite flowers. Female ovary hypertrophy, stamens degradation, ovary develops into fruit more nearly round fruit, large fruit cavity, thin flesh, seeds and more general non-commodity value; male smaller, ovary degenerate into a needle, not the results. Bisexual flowers can be divided into oblong bisexual flowers and female flowers, and the male gender bisexual flowers. Moderately large oblong bisexual flowers, stamens 5-10 pieces, ovary oblong, which develop into fruits oblong, thick flesh, small fruit cavity, large fruit weight, fruit is the main commodity; larger female bisexual flowers but slightly smaller than the female, flower shape is not correct and easy to identify, stamens 1-5 pieces, ovary from the shuttle or deformity, fruit deformity of little value; the male bisexual flowers small but slightly larger than the male, 10 stamens, ovary cylindrical or degradation, small or misshapen fruit, value is not high. Open only female plants known as female plants, meaning no cultivation; open only male plants as male plants, namely papaya public, and no cultivation significance; the main open bisexual flower plant called bisexual strains.Gender lines affected by changes in environmental conditions, the opening of the flowers have flowers by the female gender in favor of oblong bisexual flowers appear, again the male flowers and bisexual male short stems; on the contrary, from high to low temperature (season) spent by the presence of the male and bisexual flowers appear short stems into oblong bisexual male flowers, female bisexual flowers occur again. Generally at temperatures between 26-32 ℃ mostly oblong opening bisexual flowers, less than 26 ℃ or above 32 ℃ increasingly female or male tends to facilitate the emergence of the phenomenon.
5, fruit and their characteristics: Papaya fruit berries, water content of about 90%; unripe papaya is rich white milk, its main ingredient is a protease. Papaya fruit shape has oblong, oval, pear and other fruit and oblong to pear-shaped fruit of the best quality and marketability. High temperature and drought, cold and rainy, too dense fruit, fertilizer and lack of injury, etc., can introduce shattering.
Heat, light enough, papaya fruit growth, rapid development, including fruit weight the fastest time is 62-82 days after flowering; the number of days from flowering to fruit maturity desired, due to different flowering time varies, as in early April flowering and after about 180 days maturity; flowering in late April, after about 160-170 days to mature; flowering in early June, with only 100-120 days to mature; September after flowering, mature genius to 180-210. Low temperature so that the fruit development period is extended, and the flesh obvious bitterness, poor quality.
6, seeds and characteristics: the mature seed was brown or black, testa with wrinkles; fruit seed grains only a minimum number of tablets, up more than 1000 grains; fruit seed To choose a good gender lines, and take gender flower pollen artificial pollination and fruit ripening until half after picking fruit, ripening to full ripening when dissected seeds.
About 50-65 per gram dry seed grain, new seed germination rate is good, old seed germination rate is poor; seed germination optimum temperature is about 35 ℃, less than 23 ℃ or above 44 ℃ were unfavorable for seed germination, with daytime temperatures 35 ℃, the night temperature of 26 ℃ fastest germination, so the optimum seed germination temperature is 35-37 ℃
Checkout this Paw Paw Fruit (Papaya) Checkout this Paw Paw Fruit (Papaya) Reviewed by Unknown on 06:43 Rating: 5


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