Depression should be treated immediately with chronic diseases accompanied by diabetes, coronary artery disease when disease worse.

Diabetes, coronary heart disease (CHD), and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and other major chronic diseases are very closely related to depression.

The medical patients, particularly 10% to 20% with the associated depression, specifically, 11% of diabetes, myocardial infarction, 20%, 17% of patients with Parkinson's disease is depression, etc. may gotta affected. Emotional anxiety and depression is one of the specific symptoms and even worse the prognosis of comorbid conditions separately.
Do not drop the adherence of patients as an example, had a negative impact on quality of life, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV · AIDS), certain diseases, such as stroke mortality rates also increase.
Thus a variety of chronic diseases occur commonly to treat depression have been highlighted constantly. Nationally and internationally to look at the study proved the relationship between chronic diseases and depression, I looked for alternatives by the experts.
Very close diabetes and depression
Blood inflammation causes damage to the vascular system, such as a cover overlapping the depression diabetes (CRP) is high. Also diabetics with previous studies with high incidence of depression, another contrast, a patient with depression is associated with long-term health status was confirmed in particular the fact that worse.
British Institute of Psychiatry at King's College London Khalida Ismail's team proved this fact more clearly through the study described in Diabetes Care dated May 19 online edition.
The team of 1227 people with diabetes diabetes and depression accompanied by the results of a test conducted in patients was higher than the long-term serum CRP in patients with diabetes only.
Inflammatory disease, trauma, s one of the signals that your body reacts to different tensions, by patients with diabetes and depression or heart rate compared to the number of non-human circulatory system quickly and also showed that there is a problem. I also higher risk of death by up to two-fold, which is generally the psychological burden of diabetes is estimated to cause most of the research team called.
So, if you treat depression effectively improve intensive diabetes happens?
But he said that Prof. Ismail will come. He said, "It depressive disease risk is high inflammatory response, and most likely cause if the low-intensity inflammatory response is chronic lasting, vascular, brain, and can cause damage to the pancreas," he said "whether only depression is partly caused by inflammation For additional research is certainly needed no grounds to prove, "he explained.
Type 2 if accompanied by a more severe depression among diabetics, particularly the fact that the causes that make it difficult to expect a treatment effect and symptom improvement are well-known story. But even mild depression differs from type 2 diabetes complications worsen sikindago McGill University in Canada Norbert Schmitz and his team announced in Diabetes Care 4 issue.
The researchers analyzed the complications of diabetes about five years with depressive symptoms in subjects with diabetes and 1064 people from 2008 until 2013. As a result, more than half of these subjects had depression, when compared to no such disorders quality of life fell more than 3 times. In other words even if it seems a minor depressive symptoms, as well as interfere with daily life, the more one is accompanied by depression will experience a quality of life lower.
Schmitz Professor "due to depression, decreased quality of life when people with diabetes facts are falling this aggressiveness to diet and exercise in accordance with treatment guidelines," he said, "This should be careful it can increase the diabetic complication risk due to such negative factors "I expressed.
In 2010, a large study to find out how much the loss Does therapeutic benefit when associated with diabetes and depression have been published one after another. An Pan Professor, Harvard Medical School team was a study published online in JAMA Internal Medicine November 22 can be called the most representative.
Researchers 50-75 year-old women over 60 000 diabetic female patient with a target of 5381 people tested showed a high incidence of depression.
Detail is higher than 17% of patients who did not have diabetes the incidence of depression, women taking the antidepressants also increased their risk by 25 percent. Also the incidence of depression in women Associated with diabetes 29%, women are using a 53% higher risk of insulin also was reaffirmed the importance of the combination therapy of the two diseases.
In this regard, Harvard Medical School affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital, Dr. Nicolas Bolo team announced the research added new content to June, the US Endocrine Society held in Chicago (ENDO 2014).
The team 26 years of age or older with type 1 diabetes eight (male three, five female patients) and 29 healthy adult male subjects aged over six names women saw five people know what relationship exists with depression and diabetes.
As a result, type 1, type 2 diabetes treatment and management is demanding both ropda of the disease has increased so has the incidence of depression than not accompanied by diabetes because of psychological pressure.
And when blood sugar is high, the activity of a glutamate neurotransmitter (glutamate) in the pathogenesis of major depressive disorder increased. In contrast, healthy adults did not affect the incidence of depression is high, blood glucose.
Bolo Dr. "The blood sugar becomes higher, the weaker than brain regions connected strength of healthy people associated with the emotions that the self-diabetes if patients have higher blood sugar than healthy people easy take on depression, depression index is a real major depression diagnostic coverage still lower than that, "he said.
Korea also had diabetes and a professor at Ewha Womans University team in a variety of studies have been conducted to prove the correlation between depression investigate the neurobiological mechanisms that increase the risk of depression in diabetes.
Ewha Womans University ryuingyun's team proved estimated in October 2012 Archives of General "Type 1 diabetes upward prefrontal cortex induced depression that reduced the thickness gotta damaging factors through research described in Psychiatry, and this through a brain imaging study was, "he said.
The researchers made sure that the thickness of the upper prefrontal cortex compared to control patients who did not have depressive episodes during the past depressive symptoms in type 1 diabetes patients with thinner. As the life not yet glycemic control in type 1 diabetic patients with a depressive episode is reduced by the thickness of the upper prefrontal cortex showed greater.
That the same result is the upper prefrontal is type 1 diabetes, and means that are involved both in the pathogenesis of depression and structural damage of the upper prefrontal related to blood glucose control is to increase the depression risk of developing type 1 diabetes that proved the team explains.
However, this study was cross-sectional brain imaging studies (cross-sectional neuroimaging study) because it added that more obvious relationship identification is required there is limit to prove the causality of diabetes and depression related add-related longitudinal brain imaging studies, such as through research .
Professor Ryu "Our results in an increase in blood sugar and diabetes, neurotoxicity, presented the mechanisms of biological processes that lead to the onset of depression," said "We expect the therapeutic benefits will contribute greatly to further increase," he said.
CHD associated with depression also can not deny
If you are accompanied by coronary heart disease (CHD) patients with depressive symptoms should immediately have the voices of experts to manage even higher.
In particular, the American Heart Association (AHA) has issued a recommendation stating that the administration should be as acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in patients with risk factors also depressed the bar. AHA recommendations emphasized the organic relationship between ACS and depression. This dysfunction is main cause of depression between irregular heartbeat and nervous system and hormones can be a biological mechanism.
With special viscosity behavior patterns that are symptoms of the life therapy, and adherence to medication, smoking, drinking, social isolation, or it affects and stress due to chronic diseases and ultimately difficult to treat cardiovascular disease with noted.
This may give depressed patients with chronic CHD risk empowering the reliability of recommendations based on the various studies presented a higher potential. London University Eric J Brunner and his team are European Journal of Preventive Cardiology through the online edition of "Whitehall II as a result of depression analyze the research data 1 and 2 groups, unlike 03 or more patients with the more high CHD occurrence risk," said study the most snow It stands out.
Whitehall II study is to collect health-related data to target 10,000 308 adults living in London since 1985, were analyzed. Dwaetgo 67% of the target group is composed of more than 90% of Caucasian men with men and women of 39-62 years, 4-5 years were followed up for a total period of 24 years of observation and observation period of 3-10 years.
Brunner, Professor, "look at the data collected to give 5 years, chronic depression gotta identified as affecting CHD cumulative incidence requires continuous observation," he said "cardiovascular risk factors of depression, the study results on the basis may also be included." he explained.
This was demonstrated through the Whitehall II study. Learn the symptoms of depression research for the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-30) and the 2003-2004 Year in Diagnostic self Depression created the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) took place the basis. Analysis of GHQ-30 23% participated in the survey have experienced a period of depression and had one years, CES-D has 15% said they are depressed.
The researchers added that further research is needed but does not also associated with the risk analysis as a result of stroke, GHQ-30, which included data collected over 10 years as a result of analyzing the data of only five years.
CHD patient has a high prevalence of depression, in fact, affect the prognosis and quality of life of CHD patients are already known. Then michilkka also affect the prognosis of the disease, age or sex?
America was analyzed and compared with the Emory University professor Amit J. Shah team of CHD patients with a mean age of 62.5 years old 3237 people target the 2.9 years of depression screening test (Patient Health Questionnaire) on.
The result looks depressive symptoms than 55 patients under the age of 55 compared to women than all men and women aged CHD prevalence of 1.07 times, 1.07 times higher mortality rate. With more than 27% of 55-year-old female patient was accompanied by a more severe depression.
Professor Shah explained that "young women with depression over the findings of CHD risk also was higher, especially the risk of death due to cardiovascular diseases than men and older women a greater sense demonstrated by the fact".

"No temporary anxiety and confusion seafood"■ Chonnam National University School of Medicine Department of Mental Health, Professor Kim, Jae - Min
Professor Kim, Jae - Min said that the need to help improve disease through a combination of immediate treatment, do not overlook the depression that is often accompanied by chronic illness. In particular, do not confuse temporary anxiety and depression was emphasized that the key point of treatment to prescription drugs and excessive prescribing antidepressants for patients with chronic diseases.
- Correlation of chronic disease and depression has been demonstrated in a number of studies. What are the parts of concern in real clinical practice?
Among patients with depression accompanied with chronic disease often complain of physical symptoms such as indigestion, chest tightness, headache.
But here is a caveat can be confused with symptoms of depression and physical disease itself is most important to distinguish this first. There are instances patients with CHD, diabetes, cancer, etc. Most of the time when receiving diagnosis and show the anxiety caused by the psychological impact. However, it is difficult to distinguish between temporary form of the same symptoms as depression.
Mild symptoms such as discomfort and anxiety are usually 2-4 weeks reverse side naturally will not make a clear diagnosis at least report focuses on whether the depression through counseling of patients and more than three times in monthly intervals because.
- Nopeunde prevalence of depression in patients with chronic disease, so one sewoya how the treatment strategy?
To use an integrated treatment is now implemented in the United States is most effective.
That is haejwoya consultation with the psychological problems that can often experience in daily life, including depression that can occur in patients with therapy to alleviate chronic diseases such as diabetes and CHD. If this treatment is performed when combined with the long-term counseling and medication can raise much more therapeutic benefits.
If depressive symptoms are not yet severe enough in chronically ill patients to prescribe antidepressants Caution Again, it points to.
To prescribe the drug, focusing on reducing the drug-drug interactions since already adding an antidepressant drug associated with chronic disease. It should also be mindful that the drug used mainly do not cause a negative impact on the physical ailments.
Depression should be treated immediately with chronic diseases accompanied by diabetes, coronary artery disease when disease worse. Depression should be treated immediately with chronic diseases accompanied by diabetes, coronary artery disease when disease worse. Reviewed by Unknown on 01:38 Rating: 5

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