Top 10 Myths Antioxidants

Cell" s "Pharmacological Sciences Trends" magazine published a special issue of the latest review written by two Dutch scientists, commented in recent years attitudes towards the health effects of antioxidants from convinced to change skeptical that during mixed with a variety of more or less understand or misunderstand even distorts, and from the perspective of pharmacology and the latest achievements of science knowledge on anti-oxidant it gives positive solution, which for the people a correct understanding and use of antioxidants good."COM"
In vivo, oxidation and antioxidant is a contradiction, mutually antagonistic interdependence. The oxidation reaction is a fundamental process of life activity, and anti-oxidation reaction is the result of the presence of the oxidation reaction. The oxidation reaction itself harmless, harmful byproducts of their - of reactive oxygen species (ROS), such as superoxide anion, hydroxyl radical, hydrogen peroxide.

In a normal body memory can scavenge ROS antioxidant system consisting of macromolecular antioxidant enzymes (such as superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase) and small molecule antioxidant ( such as vitamin C, E etc.). Since the antioxidant system is fully capable to protect itself from oxidative damage, why do people even add extra antioxidants do?

Generally believed that the body can not synthesize small molecule antioxidant, must be from food intake, and antioxidant enzymes in the synthesis of macromolecules capacity will gradually decrease with aging, not enough to "righteousness" (antioxidant activity) overwhelming "evil" (active oxygen). So let the elderly the right amount of antioxidant supplements may help to eliminate the excess of reactive oxygen species produced by inflammation, or is likely to promote the occurrence of diseases of aging in advance.

But so far, the relationship between age and strength between the antioxidant capacity remains a controversial issue. Meanwhile, the latest research in yeast and mice found that moderate hydrogen peroxide can induce gene expression of antioxidant enzymes, cells and improve the overall antioxidant capacity, but will help anti-aging and life extension.

   Of course, more than the body's ability to clear excess active oxygen is harmful to health, which requires proper antioxidant supplements. Following on the basis of people's misunderstanding of antioxidants for ten separately given specific instructions and explain the causes of misunderstanding on the proposed use of antioxidants correct understanding and approach.

A misunderstanding, antioxidants cure

The pathogenesis of certain diseases can promote the occurrence of active oxygen, it was thus that antioxidants may be used to treat these diseases. For example, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients can exhale hydrogen peroxide. Brain, heart, kidney ischemia-reperfusion injury caused by reactive oxygen system. Atherosclerosis in LDL after being oxidized to form foam cells involves the role of reactive oxygen species by macrophages. Certain medications (nitrofurantoin, doxorubicin) reactive oxygen species can cause heart and lung damage. People expect antioxidants for the treatment for the disease is too high, that antioxidants can effectively cure many diseases. However, the role of antioxidants in vitro results based on more, which by analogy to the in vivo effect is not necessarily efficacious. In fact, the bioavailability of antioxidants is an important limiting factor, such as the polyphenolic antioxidants are essentially difficult to use the body, antioxidants are the most effective way to supplement intake from food (vegetables, fruit) in.

Misunderstanding number two, antioxidants increase mortality

A recent clinical trial showed that antioxidant supplements may increase mortality risk of a variety of diseases, but the test was repeated deny this conclusion. Nonetheless, people still tend to think of antioxidants less secure. Although the initial observed protective effect of vitamin E on coronary heart disease, but a large formal clinical trials have been disappointing, presumably by those who tested recipes interference, and some for the test by lipid peroxidation levels were significantly higher than others, the higher their risk of cardiovascular disease, thus taking vitamin E, the better. Vitamin E's role in cardiovascular disease because the disease often defined width and different. In a stroke, for example, vitamin E resorted to increased risk of hemorrhagic stroke by 22%, but the risk of ischemic stroke by 10%. Since vitamin E increased the risk of hemorrhagic stroke is higher than it reduces the risk of ischemic stroke, stroke patients is recommended cautious use it.

Misunderstanding number three, antioxidants better

The use of high doses of antioxidants will also bring toxicity problems, antioxidant "more is better" argument is wrong. β- carotene (vitamin A precursor) The recommended dose is 2-7 mg per day, if let male smokers taking 20 milligrams daily β- carotene, they will increase the chance of developing lung cancer by 18%. It now appears that the famous scientist Linus Pauling advocated large doses of the past (1000 mg / day) vitamin C approach may be misleading, because it has far exceeded the recommended dose (75-90 mg / day).

Misunderstanding Fourth, high doses of antioxidants become pro-oxidants

In the case of the presence of a transition metal of iron, as the electron donor ascorbic acid (vitamin C) exhibit oxidation. In vitro, the iron can catalyze a slight lipid peroxidation, and ascorbic acid by reduction of iron can promote lipid peroxidation. However, at higher concentrations, ascorbic acid is inhibition of lipid peroxidation. Thus, at low concentrations of ascorbic acid is pro-oxidant, whereas at high concentrations of antioxidants. Some 500 mg daily oral administration of vitamin C, and even served six weeks after the 60 percent can increase plasma vitamin C levels, resulting in increases in lymphocyte DNA base oxidation level. Critics argue that, DNA oxidation does not occur in the body, but the cause of the separation process, and lymphocyte vitamin C levels are not known.

Five misunderstanding, any antioxidants are equivalent

Antioxidants variety, structure and properties different. On chemical structure, there mercapto, phenols, amines antioxidant points. It dissolves performance, as well as water-soluble and fat-soluble antioxidant points. Therefore, different antioxidants have different effects. The effect of hydroxytyrosol anti-LDL oxidation is best, because it is lipophilic and hydrophilic nature makes it possible to double the oil - water interface play a role.

Misunderstanding six antioxidants behavior does not meet expectations theory

An erroneous view that anti-oxidants are valid, depending on their speed quenching reactive oxygen only when anti-oxidants and free radicals (highly reactive hydroxyl radical) rapid response to provide effective protection. In fact, the half-life of the cell membrane lipid peroxidation radicals longer than hydroxyl radicals, which can be vitamin E, and provide protection. In addition, the indirect antioxidant effects (such as anti-inflammatory) can also provide protection.

Misunderstanding seven levels of antioxidants determinants of health status

Determination of antioxidant status currently employed are the lack of specificity, but still able to reflect the overall antioxidant status, which can be used to measure the severity of the disease.

Misunderstanding eight antioxidants used to inactivate

Lipoic acid to dihydrolipoic acid is oxidized, the hypochlorous acid remains effective scavenger. Glucuronidation and methylated metabolites antioxidants can maintain their biological activity. Macrophages and neutrophils release of β- glucuronidase glucuronide can be removed on flavonoids and restore its natural activity.

Misunderstanding Nine, the best natural antioxidants

People always linked to natural and safe, and the synthesis and dangerous confused. Antioxidants, the people prefer creatures, not like chemistry. In fact, synthetic and naturally occurring R, R, R-ɑ- tocopherol (vitamin E) is the same kind of chemical molecules. Similarly, the chemical structure of natural and synthetic vitamin C L- ascorbic acid is also identical.

Misunderstanding Ten, antioxidant drugs ineffective

The body has its own antioxidant system, but some compounds (such as N- acetylcysteine, propofol, etc.) can enhance the antioxidant properties of the system, even though they so far have not yet use as therapeutic drugs. Antioxidants can reduce the efficacy of anticancer drugs more flexible than the star, but also can reduce the induction of heart activity.

In summary, the antioxidant is not "the only guarantee of health", but not "highly toxic drugs," "natural antioxidants is the best choice," the view is not correct, "antioxidant invalid" is too arbitrary argument!
Top 10 Myths Antioxidants Top 10 Myths Antioxidants Reviewed by Unknown on 07:38 Rating: 5

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