Wow Checkout the wonderful things you can do with Apple

Apple (English: Apple Inc., NASDAQ: AAPL, LSE: ACP), formerly known as Apple Computer Inc. (English: Apple Computer, Inc.), on January 9, 2007 announced at the Macworld Expo in San Francisco to its present name . Apple Inc. is an American multinational corporation headquartered in Cupertino, California, designs, develops and sells consumer electronics, computer software, online services and personal computers. Apple's Apple II in the 1970s contributed to the personal computer revolution, the subsequent Macintosh Relay sustainable development in the 1980s. The company's best-known hardware products are the Mac series, iPod media player, iPhone smart phones and iPad tablet computers; online services including iCloud, iTunes Store and App Store; consumer software, including OS X and iOS operating system, iTunes media browser device, Safari web browser, as well as iLife and iWork creativity and productivity suite.
Apple by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Ronald Wayne founded on April 1, 1976, development and sales of personal computers. The company in January 3, 1977 officially known as Apple Computer Inc., and on January 9, 2007 changed its name to Apple, the reverse should the company business focus to consumer electronics.
Apple is only by revenue after Samsung Electronics, the world's second largest information technology company, is the second largest mobile phone maker after Samsung Electronics, the world, and more in 2014 issued by it in the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus to regain the world's first a major mobile phone manufacturers, "Fortune magazine" Apple's nomination for the US 2008 Most Admired Companies, from 2008 to 2012 of the world's most respected companies. According to "Forbes" list released by global brand value, Apple's fifth consecutive year ranked number one, its value is twice that of any other brand on the planet for more than [2]. However, Apple has in its chain of labor practices, the environment and business practices criticized.
To June 2014, Apple has 425 retail stores in 14 countries, as well as Apple's online store, iTunes store. iTunes Store is the world's largest music retailer. Apple is the highest market value of publicly traded company in June 2014 to have a market capitalization of about $ 600 billion, the same year in November is the first breakthrough in the history of the company's $ 700 billion. As of September 29, 2012, Apple's worldwide has 72,800 permanent full-time employees, 3,300 temporary full-time employees. 2013 total revenue of $ 170.9 billion worldwide. As of the first quarter of 2014, sales of Apple's five-year average growth rate of 39%, 45% profit margin. May 2013 Apple's first entry into the Fortune 500 list of the top 10 companies, compared with 2012 increased by 11, ranked No. 6.


Founded ago
Prior to founding Apple Computer Inc. co-founder Woz is already a hacker electronics, since 1975, he designed the Atari video game at HP to work and help Steve Jobs. Woz was opened to the Alex Kamradt sharing computer systems and services company Call Computer hire small computer use.Apple's Origin
When Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne trio decided to set up the company, Steve Jobs just came back from a trip, he suggested that the company named "Apple" to Wards. The original logo was designed by one of the founders in 1976 of three Wayne, used only when the production of Apple-I, Newton sitting under the apple tree reading pen painting. In 1976 by Steve Jobs decided to re-entrust advertising design, and with the issue of use of Apple-2, this flag is determined using the rainbow colors, with a gap of apple image. This flag has been used until 1998, when the iMac release to modify, change the color series. 2007 silver-gray metal with shadows change again. 2013 change to a more flat design, still in use. [3]
Apple logo more reason to be misunderstood as "Turing committed suicide while eating a mouthful of apple cyanide solution." This rumor source for the 2001 British film "Enigma", in the fictional movie about the aforementioned plot suicide Turing relationship with Apple logo is part of the public and media misinformation [4]. The Apple logo designer himself confirmed in an interview this flag and Turing (or other speculation, such as being Eve biting the apple) irrelevant. Jobs also said "bitten off a design just to make it look like a cherry." [5].Early Apple
In 1971, 16-year-old Steve Jobs and 21-year-old Steve Wozniak and get to know through a friend. 1976, Jobs persuaded Wozniak to sell after the assembly machine and then take them another friend Ronald Wayne (Ronald Wayne) also joined, the three set up Apple Computer Inc. in April 1, 1976.
Apple's first product was named Apple I. At that time most of the computer without a display, Apple I was with the TV as a monitor. For display than later, Apple I display function can display 60 characters per second slow. In addition, the host's boot ROM includes (Bootstrap) code, while Wozniak also designed a cassette for loading and storing programs interface, high-speed operation to 1200 per second. Although the design is fairly simple, but it's still a masterpiece, but less than other same-level host required parts, so Wozniak won the designer's reputation. Eventually produced a total of 200, get the market's attention.
After the campaign, Wozniak has successfully designed a more advanced than the Apple I Apple II. January 1977, Apple officially registered as "Apple Computer Co., Ltd.." In April, Apple II at the first West Coast Computer Fair (West Coast Computer Fair) debut.
Apple I and Apple II, respectively, including the re-design of the largest display screen, the display processing core into memory, which helps to display simple text, images, and even color display. And there is an improved housing and keyboard. Apple II was widely hailed in the computer industry to create a home PC market products, to the 1980s, the number of one million have been sold, has also been a large number of the introduction of China. Apple II family, produced a large number of different models, including the Apple IIe and IIgs, these two computers until the late 1990s can still be seen in many schools.
When the apple market in 1980, their capital in any company's initial public offering of shares in 1956 than at Ford after the listing, and more than any company in history has created more millionaires. Within five years the company has entered the world five hundred, which was the fastest record.
But it is worth mentioning that Wayne one of the founders of Apple after the company withdrew from the beginning. Jobs noted that the loan of US $ 150,000 after starting the first production, Wayne felt that if companies go bankrupt, then he will assume this debt. Probably because of the lack of adventurous spirit, or that he had failed the psychological shadow business left him, he soon decided to sell their 10% stake swap. After the presentation of ideas, Jobs agreed and paid him $ 800. Had he not done so, now he can harvest at least several billion dollars. Later, it became a very well-known negative inspirational materials, known as committing the world's "most expensive mistake", but also by many Americans considered the world's "most no vision, the people" or the world's "most regret people . " But Wayne puts Jobs and Wozniak described as "wise giant", he said they were both like "Tornado" the same workaholic, also known as if he had to stay at Apple, a huge work intensity may will make him die to live up to now, "If I was still working with them, then I may now become the richest man in the grave." [6] [7]Apple III and Lisa
In the 1980s, when small businesses are still using Apple II, Apple felt it needed a newer, more advanced computer models to participate in the enterprise market. Apple III's designers were forced to follow a high and sometimes unrealistic demands Steve Jobs, Steve Jobs is said that cooling fans "not elegant" and thus is omitted, resulting in the computer can overheat, forcing the early models is recovered. In addition, Apple III high price, although in 1983 launched the improved upgrade type, and subsequently carried out bargains, but basically still the Apple III irreparable disadvantage in the market, mainly because in 1981 IBM introduced The IBM PC and compatibles swept the PC market. Apple III created a total of only 90,000.
At the same time, the working groups within Apple is working around the clock to design two completely different models of the new PC. They used a lot of advanced technologies, such as: a graphical user interface, mouse, object-oriented programming and networking capabilities. December 1979 they went with Steve Jobs Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, during a visit to their concept machine Alto, Steve Jobs decided to focus graphic, icon-friendly implementation of this idea in the next generation of Apple's two computer programs: Lisa and Macintosh (Mac) on.
Lisa is a landmark of the computer, the Mac's early development, and many are on the Lisa system software design. It has a 16 yuan of CPU, mouse, hard drive, and supports a graphical user interface and multi-tasking operating system, and bundled with seven commercial software.
Lisa in January 1983 to 9,995 dollars worth first appearance. Apple once again launched a product beyond its own time, but the price is too expensive and lack the support of software developers, so Apple lost access to enterprise market share again. Lisa was terminated in 1986, more than goods buried in Utah landfill.
Jobs' daughter Lisa is the name "Lisa" (Lisa) named. Apple's official explanation for this is "Local Integrated System Architecture" (Local Integrated Systems Architecture) acronym, and engineers are privately interpreted as "Lisa: silly with the abbreviation" (Lisa: Invented Stupid Acronym). When "Steve Jobs Biography" author Walter Isaacson asked about it, frankly recognize Lisa Jobs is named after his daughter. The computer named Lisa had to when Steve Jobs presented the name of Lisa, allows engineers to pour launch a full name. [8]The Macintosh
Lisa plans to halfway from Jobs controlled development plan was canceled. But Jobs immediately launched a Macintosh, originally envisioned it as a "cheap Lisa". Apple Macintosh in 1984 with a famous Super Bowl ad (based on George Orwell's novel "one thousand nine hundred eighty-four") began to put on the market, which also declared that "in the January 24th, Apple Computer will introduce Macintosh. You will Why 1984 will see will not be a '1984'. "This suggests a new Mac and its" easy to use "graphical user interface to computers and information technology from the company and where the ruling commentators freed. Apple is also produced by a large number of Apple employees and Apple people after Guy Kawasaki's first Apple evangelist thought.
It continues the success of Apple's Macintosh, but can not reach the level of its most glorious time. When a Bill Gates (Microsoft's former president) visited Apple's headquarters is located in Cupertino, Jobs demonstrated a prototype graphical user interface of the Mac. After 1985, Microsoft released Microsoft Windows, which makes IBM PC has a graphical user interface. Because not tolerate other companies copy Apple Mac graphical user interface to sue Microsoft, Microsoft places they offer Macintosh discontinue use of commercial software developers Microsoft Excel threat of litigation lasted four years inconclusive. [9] Some say it was because IBM is also developing imitation of the Mac's graphical interface TopView, if the judgment means that in the future Microsoft infringing Apple also able to unseat IBM. Although the first version of Windows at the technical level inferior to Mac, but Windows PC compatible plus a much cheaper price than the Mac, and soon also appeared on a lot of Windows software.1989 --1996 year: period of decline
After Steve Jobs left Apple, the company's development director post falls Jean - Louis Garcia hand, he was previously director of the French subsidiary. Canwest product line into two directions, namely a more "open" and more expensive, he should not be considered low-end low-margin sales of Apple products. Garcia's policies led increasingly high price of Apple products, the company had one called "Drama" low-end projects, Garcia eventually be stopped. 1990, as Apple's sales decline, Garcia's policy began to widespread controversy and ultimately led to its departure, his successor Michael Spindler. After that, John Sculley resigned as CEO in 1993, Spindler took over. During his tenure, to promote low-end computers such as Macintosh Classic, Macintosh II si, Macintosh LC. And the implementation of policy and development continue to produce Apple Newton Copland operating system, he has also been involved Apple and IBM, SUN, Philips merger talks. In 1996, Gil Amelio took over their positions.
After this period, the introduction of sales owed to the ideal notebook Macintosh Portable in 1989, one of the more popular PowerBook notebook computers introduced to the market in the early 1990s. This is the first jointly designed and Sony, and the establishment of a standard form factor for today's modern popular laptop. This from Apple's products also include an operating system (such as ProDOS, Mac OS and A / UX), network products (such as AppleTalk) and multimedia software (QuickTime). In 1994, Apple updated its Macintosh product line, introduced the Power Mac series. It is based on IBM, Motorola and Apple jointly developed three PowerPC family of processors. The processor uses a RISC (reduced instruction set computing) architecture, it is more than the previous Mac are using Motorola 680x0 series, but there are essentially different. Apple's system software is tuned to make the most of the programs written for the old processor on the PowerPC series operating in analog mode.
In 1993, Apple released the Apple Newton, created the term Personal Digital Assistance, for the first PDA. Although it sold less ideal, but became pioneers such as Palm Pilot and PocketPC and other products. But throughout the 1990s, Microsoft began more than Apple's new computer users, within a decade Apple's market share fell from 20% to 5%. Companies struggling financially, to August 6, 1997, Microsoft uses Apple's $ 150 million purchase of the non-voting shares in exchange for Apple's copyright infringement lawsuit against Microsoft to give up and later built on each unit Macintosh Internet Explorer. (Microsoft has sold out in the holdings of Apple stock later.) Perhaps more meaningful, Microsoft also announced continuing support for the Mac version of its Office suite, and the establishment of the Macintosh software sector. This reversed the situation before Microsoft's Mac version of the software than the PC version behind, but also it received several awards.
Decline of business, loss of market share, so there are those who can manage all walks of life began to look forward to Apple. Because of Copland's development plan stalled, Amelio urgent need to cooperate with outside companies to develop a replacement system. Ultimately, Apple's acquisition of NeXT in the manner got their company OPENSTEP operating system and development personnel, and thus make the company boss Steve Jobs return to Apple. Steve Jobs return to the company after a substantial reform of the management, and the development of a series of new products such as the iMac, etc., to bring the company back on track
 2011 - present: Houqiaobusi Times
August 24, 2011, Apple CEO Steve Jobs resigned from office, the board of directors appointed former Chief Operating Officer Tim Cook as the company's new CEO, Steve Jobs was elected as chairman. October 5, 2011, Steve Jobs's death. Cook took over after the company did not make significant changes, generally in the direction of continued operation of the company Steve Jobs era. January 10, 2012, Apple to $ 500 million acquisition of Israeli memory maker Anobit, while R & D centers in the area.
January 19, 2012, Apple released iBooks. This is the first press conference after the death of Steve Jobs, Phil Schiller responsible by introducing new products. In March Apple iPad (third generation). Later in August, Apple's market capitalization rose to $ 624 billion, breaking the highest record market capitalization of Microsoft was founded in 1999 [18]. September 21, 2012, Apple released the iPhone 5, and launched its own map software. The new iPhone sale amount reached two million, and due to lack of supply and to postpone the shipment date to October. Although sales of amazing, but because of its mapping software flawed and inadequate information has been criticized [19].
October 23, 2012, Apple released the iPad (4th generation), 13-inch Retina MacBook Pro, a new generation of Mac mini and a new generation of iMac. In addition, the same day has also launched a 7.9-inch iPad mini, since Cook took office the first of a new product. Apple announced on November 3, the new iPad sales within three days of the conference amounted to three million. November 10, Apple announced the withdrawal of all litigation between HTC and with the signing of a 10-year-long licensing agreement [20]. Apple estimated annual profit so the extra 280 million [21].
December 2012, Chief Executive Officer Cook on NBC's program indicates that Apple will open a new production line in the United States, have changed all products are assembled in China diet [22]. This product in the subsequent annual meeting of global software developer confirmed that the new Mac Pro. May 16, 2013, App Store downloads exceeded 50 billion times. Users worldwide per second download 800 programs from the App Store, and the App Store total within the program has more than 850,000 models.
June 10, 2013, Apple in the annual meeting of global software developer released OS X Mavericks, iTunes Radio music streaming service, the new Mac Pro and cylindrical iOS 7. The new design of iOS 7 reviews mixed [23], in particular the controversial new app icon design [24]. But in addition to the illustrated [25] The new system referred to Jonathan Ive is responsible for the design and the user interface has made a major change was intended to give up the old style design [26] and switch to the simple design [27], show After Steve Jobs left Apple is trying to change the old-style [28].
October 22, 2013, in San Francisco, California, Apple released a new generation of 9.7-inch iPad Air, and a new generation of 7.9-inch iPad mini 2 [29].
May 28, 2014, Apple to $ 3 billion acquisition of high-end headphones with music streaming service providers Beats by Dr. Dre [30].
September 9, 2014, Tim Cook, Apple announced the Apple press conference announcing watches combine motion tracking and health-related functions, and with iOS and other Apple products and services integration. Apple announced Apple Watch will launch three series: Apple Watch Sport, Apple Watch and Apple Watch Edition. These will be a combination of series of different case and strap make the difference. Many preset function watches have to rely on the iPhone link to run (such as phone calls and send SMS), via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi to wirelessly and installed iOS 8.2 or later of the iPhone 5 and the successor models link.
October 16, 2014, Apple released a new generation in San Francisco, California 9.7-inch iPad Air 2 and a new generation of 7.9-inch iPad mini 3.
March 6, 2015 the S & P Dow company announced that Apple will replace AT & T, to become the Dow. Changes will be March 19 is the official opening bell to take effect
June 9, 2015, Apple announced the launch of the online subscription music service Apple Music network FM channel Beats 1 [31].Market cap
May 2010, Apple's market value more than Microsoft, the world's most valuable IT companies [32] In the process, Apple's global IT industry's influence over Microsoft, and become a global IT industry leader. August 9, 2011 Tuesday New York Stock Exchange trading, Apple's market value was reached in the world. [33]. From April 2012, Apple is more than 520 billion US dollars in market capitalization sit tight in the first place [34]. September 19, 2012, Apple's stock price reached a record high of $ 705.07, then began to fall, but the current stock price and market capitalization stabilized, the market value rose again first. September 30, 2013, the US brand consultancy Interbrand released "2013 world's 100 most valuable brands" list, sit tight in the top fourteen years of Coca-Cola (Coca Cola) for the first time fell to third, give the throne last year Runner-up Apple (Apple).
November 26, 2014, according to the Wall Street Journal reported that Apple's market capitalization of over 700 billion US dollars, a new record as the world's largest company by stock market value. [5] (but it was also noted that if adjusted for inflation and that Apple is not in the history of the highest market value of companies, such as Microsoft's market capitalization had reached $ 900 billion [6] but its market capitalization has more than 6000 billion US dollars)
Wow Checkout the wonderful things you can do with Apple Wow Checkout the wonderful things you can do with Apple Reviewed by Unknown on 07:48 Rating: 5

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